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Volume to Value: Innovative Campus Engagement Amid Application Surges

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

In the 2023-2024 academic year, 69% of University Recruiting teams reported an increase in intern applications, however hiring volume remained unchanged or even decreased for the majority of UR teams. This trend has continued into 2024-2025, and with fall recruiting season approaching, UR teams are now asking – “Should we even go to campus this fall if we’re already inundated with applications?”

The answer lies, in part, in recognizing that applicant volume does not necessarily align with quality of hire or talent type recruitment goals. On-campus engagement can be a crucial way to prioritize quality of hire over volume, reinforce employer brand with students, and build stronger future pipelines. And, this year, some University Recruiting leaders are adopting a more holistic strategy to do just that.

At our webinar on August 7th, top UR leaders from Grainger, Johnson & Johnson, and New York Life joined us to discuss their innovative approaches to Fall 2024 strategy. Join us to learn more about:

– The impact of high application volume on overall strategy & internal team processes
– How to increase ROI of on-campus engagement
– Creative on-campus and virtual engagement strategies

Plus, we shared data on market-wide approaches to handling high applicant volumes and student sentiment towards various recruiting methods!