Should You Be Worried About Reneges?

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Stay ahead of the curve with TalentScope!

TalentScope is a data-driven, macroeconomic tool that aggregates and presents month-over-month trends on the United States labor market. The tool offers Veris Insights members a customizable look at key indicators of labor market performance to provide Talent Acquisition teams with the intel needed to develop effective hiring strategies that meet the needs of a continuously changing job market.

Explore Key Economic Indicators

Analyze unemployment rates and hourly average wages to discover timely, relevant insights into U.S. labor market performance and economic recovery.

Quantify Labor Market Competition

Aggregate and simplify complex economic data around job openings, employer hires, and computed indices to quantify labor supply and demand.

Uncover Industry Trends

Explore relationships between key economic indicators and proprietary Veris Insights candidate data to pinpoint labor mobility trends most relevant to your industry.

Learn how you can level up your recruiting game with a virtual walkthrough of TalentScope.

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