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February 04, 2022

3 Tips for Recruiting Recruiters

The competition for talent in today’s labor market is unparalleled. Since June 2021, there have been over 10 million job openings each month, the highest in over twenty years. This abundance of open positions is driving turnover and intensifying competition between employers.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the recruiting profession. Veris Insights research finds that HR professionals were more open to changing employers than all other experienced talent for most of 2021, and 2 in 3 recruiting professionals have been approached by other employers. 

Compounding the issue, recruiters actively searching for jobs are benefitting from a high offer rate, receiving three offers for every five applications submitted. With such fierce competition, how can you effectively recruit recruiters? Here, we highlight three tips for recruiting recruiters.

(1) Optimize your job ad

An important step in recruiting recruiters is creating a job ad that’s both highly visible and descriptive. 6 in 10 recruiters report using LinkedIn or Indeed to look for jobs. 

Nearly half of recruiters look for jobs by talking to those in their professional networks, so ask your current employees to share openings with their networks to direct more talent to your pipeline.

Our research also suggests that the words you use to describe your company culture can impact application volume. For instance, over 80% of recruiters indicate that describing a workplace as respectful, adaptable, innovative, or mission-driven would make them much more likely to apply. Descriptors like rigorous and fast-paced, on the other hand, are less impactful.

(2) Streamline your recruiting process

In order to keep the recruiters you’ve attracted in your pipeline, you need to be sensitive to their expectations around the recruiting timeline.

In fact, over 40% of recruiters have dropped out of a recruitment process because it took too long to hear back from the company. Following up quickly after receiving an application or completing interviews can help keep more recruiters engaged.

You should also carefully consider the number of interviews you conduct. Our research finds that, while most employers conduct four or more interviews during a recruiting process, some recruiters believe two or three interviews are enough to evaluate the fit of a potential employer.

Read: How Many Interviews is Too Many? 

(3) Make your offer stand out

As the final stage of the recruiting process, the offer is an important way to set yourself apart. 

Our research indicates that compensation is top of mind for recruiters when considering new employment. As a case in point, recruiters would need a 15% salary increase, on average, to accept a new job.

However, if you’re not able to compete with salary, you can offer other benefits of interest. Nearly 6 in 10 recruiters view job stability as extremely important when considering new employment, so highlighting information about typical employee career tenure may be particularly effective. 

You should also discuss any of the remote work options that exist at your organization, as 4 in 10 recruiters would actually forego salary increases to preserve remote work options.

With the labor market tighter than ever and recruiters in high demand, you can optimize your recruiting strategy by creating compelling job ads, being thoughtful about your recruiting timeline, and crafting attractive offers with the resources you have available.

Download our "Recruiting Recruiters" webinar recording.